Trung Tam Dieu Khien

Control Center HCM City public lighting

  •   28/05/2015 11:19:00 PM
  •   Viewed: 3691
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With technical solutions - technology on the Ho Chi Minh City will have a central control system, said modern public lighting condition wherever, get the information of the system in order to establish how organization to deal effectively with incidents, problems. In the field of public lighting, as well as in other fields, managed entirely thanks to accurate information, timely and complete.


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STT Tuyến đường, địa bàn do đơn vị quản lý Thời gian tắt mở hiện đang áp dụng
Mở đèn Tắt đèn
1 Quốc lộ 1 17:30 05:30
2 Xa lộ Hà Nội 17:30 05:30
3 Đường Võ Văn Kiệt 17:30 05:30
4 Đường Mai Chí Thọ 17:30 05:30
5 Quốc lộ 22 17:30 05:30
5 Đường Phạm Văn Đồng 17:30 05:30
5 Công viên 17:30 05:30
6 Khu QLGTĐT số 1 17:35 05:30
7 Khu QLGTĐT số 2 17:35 05:30
8 Khu QLGTĐT số 3 17:35 05:30
9 Khu QLGTĐT số 4 17:35 05:30

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